SRC E-News
July 2021

recliner sleep

How many of you have found yourselves doing this in the last week?? Certainly been me while the Olympics are on. It’s always been a bit of an issue when the Olympics are on TV…. getting enough sleep.

I can remember my grade 5 teacher making us to a TV watching Audit back in the day, and he chose one of the Olympic weeks to make us do this. He was pretty horrified at how much TV I watched that week…. still reminds me every time I see him!

Anyhow, we have seen some pretty awesome efforts so far, and hopefully a few more to come this week.

Speaking of awesome efforts, there have been some pretty awesome things going on around the club. The recent lockdown had us a little restricted in where we could run (Can you still get cabin fever in a 5 km travel limit? Pretty sure you can!!) but still most of us seem to have been getting out when we can and giving it a good go, which has been great.

As always, if you have anything that you would like to have appear in the newsletter, please drop us a line at and we will do our best to get it in the next edition.

Happy reading and……..  Keep Running 😉

President’s Podium

Hey SRC Members,

We are now in July. Doesn’t the time just fly… especially after yet another lockdown. Unfortunately, we have had to put a hold on club training sessions until we reach a point that training groups can be greater than 10 people. That being said, it is wonderful to see many members out pounding the pavement and keeping active. Well done everyone.
The Shepparton Running Festival event management has been doing a power of work behind the scenes with relation to COVID issues that have arisen. We have paused entries and working with the council and CovidSafeEvents to ensure we can run our festival… and things are looking positive for us. We will be re-working our event to make sure we meet the criteria and re-opening up entries soon.
It is great to see new members join the club. Make them feel comfortable and welcome when we return to training.
One of our most giving sponsors Intersport has moved. Nipper and his team have always been wonderful and contribute to the winners of our handicaps. The have recently moved around the corner to their NEW LOCATION at 18-20 Fraser St (Next to Bras N Things in the Mall). Get in there and see the range that Nipper has, and nipper also give SRC members 10% off shoes and apparel.
That’s it for now,
Stay safe and keep running,
Mathieu Ryan

Coaches Corner

As a follow up to last month on why I run, I thought I’d add some words on why I coach.
* I love seeing people have fun and teaching people ways they can enjoy and even love running. It’s great seeing runners have that “aha” moment.
* Meeting amazing people! Some of the best friendships I’ve made have been because of coaching. It’s given me the chance to really get to know some fantastic people that I likely never would have met otherwise.
* Learning new ways to do things. All runners are unique and have different strengths and weaknesses. I’ve been able to learn and refine ways of doing things from runners of all abilities and other coaches. It’s pretty cool being able to share and modify things so that runners of all levels can give it a go eg – hill sessions, drills, strides, easy runs, recovery weeks and all the different sessions we do as a club are all things that runners at the Olympics do, but we can modify and give it a sample too.
* Going on a journey with people – I guess this is part of meeting amazing people, but I love seeing the progress people make. Watching their confidence grow and tackling new challenges, achieving things they didn’t think possible and watching the self-pride jump out of them. Honestly how good is a hug or hi 5 from someone who is beaming with pride after a run or race!
* Being part of a team – while I guess technically running is an individual sport… I’m lucky to be part of 2 great teams in SRC and Run2PB. Seeing the SRC family get together after a training session or handicap and socializing together makes it feel like a big family and I love that. Run2PB has helped me become a better coach and be part of a network of amazing people who genuinely care about the running community, I feel very blessed they gave me an opportunity to learn and grow as a coach & person.

– Chris Armstrong

June Handicap at the BoTan

A frosty but still morning greeted the club at the botanical gardens on July 11 for the first of the two July handicaps. While the weather was cold, the atmosphere was definitely warm! A big thank you to all our runners who made the effort to get out of bed early and tackle the hills at the Bo Tan!

Numbers were again great, proving that we all secretly like hills, even is most of us don’t admit it. 😁  Again the event saw two laps completed of the course. Although the weather was really chilly, the atmosphere was warm and friendly. Debbie and Sharleen also organised a great spread of fruit and breaky for all and this was really appreciated as participants emerged from the bush at the completing of their run. 

Special mention to our volunteers Anna, Kate, Debbie, Sharleen, Brenton, Kelly, Adrian, Abraham, Dave, Joel and Sam for your help with marshalling, photos, breakfast and finish tokens. It would be very difficult to makethings happen without your help so thank you for giving up your time to make the run more enjoyable for others. Also thank you to everyone who helped with course set up and pack up.

The Results:
Big congratulations to our top 2 female and male runners who all take home a $30 voucher from Intersport Shepparton. Today we had Lila, Melanie, Steven and Jordan take home the goodies today in what was a very close race with only 3:38 separating our top 40 runners.
Unfortunately the Second of the July Handicaps, which was scheduled to be at Victoria Park Lake, could not go ahead as planned because of the Covid lockdown that week.

Runner Profile

Phillip Healey.  May be an image of 1 person and playing a sport

Age: 64 Years


Marathon 3:21:39

Half Marathon 1:30:19

10k 45:59

5k (park run) 23:38

I had run a few fun runs during the 80’s craze of fun runs, and met a group, Yan Yean Roadrunners, based in the northern suburbs of Melbourne who trained predominately for marathons. I thought that sounded like a good idea.

Since 1993 I have run 15 Melbourne Marathons, with a streak of 11 since 2009. I have run 2 Gold Coast marathons and 3 Six foot marathons in the Blue mountains.

A break in the streak was threatened in 2012 when I was attacked by a kangaroo while on a 30k training run near Whittlesea’s Yan Yean Reservoir. 3 Days in hospital, 40 odd stitches, and pins to hold a smashed knuckle together stopped training. I was allowed to start running again a week before the marathon, and was able to complete the event in 4 hours 40 with a run / walk plan.

I moved to Shepparton in 2016. Got married and started doing Parkrun. Meeting Shepparton Runners Club members at parkrun ( Seb and A J ) convinced me to join the club and get involved in the running community.

I will be competing in the Half Marathon at the Shepparton Running Festival, which will be the 4th or 5th time, as a precursor to the Melbourne Marathon in October again.

My favourite pizza is Aussie with egg, because pineapple should NOT be a topping on anything.

My running goals are simple. Stay fit and healthy to be able to put in the training to be able to compete at a level where I feel I have given my best effort.

Hey sports fans,

We are looking for some superstar vollies to help support our running festival, mainly for Saturday 21st but also may have a few spots needing to be filled on Sunday 22nd.

So if you’re not running Saturday please consider supporting us to present the running event we all love.

Shoot a message through to either Debbie Harvey 0437948088 or Sharleen Bachelor 0457433696 with your day and times for availability as well as a best contact.

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